
Starter Boxing Equipment- The Essential Equipment For Beginners

If you are into boxing but thinking about the expenses makes you worried, well, the good thing is, boxing is relatively an inexpensive sport, especially if you are a beginner. Of course, you need your workout shorts and t-shirts but if you don’t know what else you need as a beginner, here are some mandatory items for your boxing starter kit.

Boxing Gloves

A boxing starter kit starts with boxing gloves. Choosing the best boxing gloves for beginners is still a highly debatable topic. However, as a beginner, you will need two types of boxing gloves:

  • Training gloves or bag gloves
  • Sparring gloves/ competition gloves

Boxing gloves are not a section where you want to look for cheaper options. Punching a heavy boxing bag makes you prone to injuries if you buy cheap quality boxing gloves. Moreover, as a beginner, you need lightweight gloves, and when you can use heavier ones later.

Hand Wraps

The next very important item in the boxing starter kit is hand wraps. Make no mistake; they are equally important as the boxing gloves. Hand wraps give your wrists and tinny finger bones much-needed protection. When you forcefully punch the boxing bag, one wrong move can twist or even break your wrist. However, if you wrap them correctly, these hand wraps can save you from many wrist and hand injuries.

Apart from that, hand wraps can extend your gloves’ life significantly because they protect your gloves from your sweaty hands and wrists. There are different styles and sizes available. With longer styles, you can cover your hand in different ways.

Punching bag/Boxing Bag

You don’t necessarily need a boxing bag if you plan on hitting the gym. However, if you want to practice it at home, then you certainly need a boxing bag. Besides, even if you go to the gym, there is nothing wrong with practicing at home too.

However, heavy bags are a better option if you are a beginner. That is because heavy bags swing less when you punch them with force. A boxing bag weighing around 70 pounds will do things nicely for you.

Boxing Headgear

If you are planning to go live sparring, you need high-quality boxing headgear because you will get a lot of blows on your head. It is important to know that headgear just saves you from scrapes and cuts. It provides very minimal protection against head blows, and you may still feel concussion or experience head injuries. Boxing headgears are of different sizes and shapes that can even cover your whole face except your eyes.

Boxing Mouthguard and Chest/Groin Protectors

Again, you will need a chest/groin protector and a boxing mouth guard if you go for sparring. A mouth guard protects your teeth and lips from severe injuries. Similarly, a groin/chest protector is pretty useful, especially if you are a beginner.

Boxing shoes

To be honest, boxing shoes are not mandatory for beginners, especially if you are not fighting in the ring. However, if you can afford them, a nice pair of boxing shoes is a good investment.

Apart from that, your boxing starter kit may include human-shaped punching bags, fancy skipping ropes, etc. However, these items are not mandatory for beginners.

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